The Africa Knowledge Hub
The Africa Knowledge Hub serves as a collaborative platform for sharing of good practices and lessons learned between countries on climate risk information & climate information services, risk transfer mechanisms, adaptation planning and implementation of adaptation actions, and access to sources of finance. The Hub has been developed in response to the mandate given to the Africa Adaptation Initiative AAI by the African Union members to create a “go-to” platform to link to and consolidate all the existing platforms and resources for African adaptation. It will provide a consolidation of existing resources along with allowing for searchability according to the interests of different stakeholders (region, theme, etc.).
The Africa Knowledge Hub is an output of the EU-UNDP supported project “Enhancing Knowledge and Evidence to Scale-up Climate Change Adaptation in Africa” implemented through the Africa Adaptation Initiative (AAI), which aimed at enhancing the understanding of, and the capacity to expand, existing climate information, risk and vulnerability studies, and risk transfer options in Africa via strengthening the Africa Adaptation Initiative (AAI) to scale up climate change adaptation in Africa.
By strengthening these knowledge and capacity-sharing mechanisms as well as the coordination activities of the Africa Adaptation Initiative, this outcome will help create the enabling environment for further climate change adaptation project development within the region.