Second South-South Peer Capacity Exchange Programme (SSEP) – Virtual

With the financial support of the European Union (EU) and financial and technical support of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the Africa Adaption Initiative (AAI) through the project, “Enhancing Knowledge and Evidence to Scale-up Climate Change Adaptation in Africa”, organized the second virtual South-South Peer Capacity Exchange Programme (SSEP) which took place on 5-6 April 2023, facilitated by Sustainable Solutions for Africa (SSA).

Building on the successful outcome of the first SSEP, the second SSEP (virtual) deep-dived further into some of the topics presented at the first SSEP while also deepening the understanding of the focal points of the Green Climate Fund National Designated Authorities and other relevant officials from around Africa on their role and responsibility in facilitating greater access to finance in their respective countries.

Concept Note and Agenda
Day 1: Session 1 – Download File
Day 1: Session 2 &3 – Download File
Day 2: Session 4 –Download File
The Second South-South Peer Capacity Exchange Programme Download File
The Second South-South Peer Capacity Exchange Programme Download File

  • Resource Tags :
    Board Meeting Report
    Brochures ,Poster, Communications product
    Project Brielf/Fact sheet