12 Oct 2023
Findings And Recommendations From The AAI’s

The Executive Summary of the key findings and recommendations from the AAI’s State of Adaptation in Africa Report 2022 (SoAR) was presented to stakeholders and policymakers at the European Union Pavilion during a side event at COP27. Partnering with UNDP and the European Commission, the completed State of Adaptation in Africa Report (due to be published in 2023) informs on progress made on the continent regarding adaptation and the increased momentum for an expedited focus on implementation. Focusing on three thematic areas, climate finance, technology, and risk transfer, and taking a deep dive through the agricultural, water, and coastal zone sectors, it identifies gaps and needs for the implementation of adaptation in Africa and sets out an action agenda for further on climate action progress.
Findings And Recommendations From The AAI’s
12 Oct 2023
Perspiciatis atque corporis voluptate.
18 Sep 2023
Occaecati accusamus quo fuga corporis.
14 Sep 2023
Molestiae quos unde quasi est.
02 Sep 2023